According to surveys, men are less likely to consult a medical professional about symptoms than women. If your loved one refuses to see a doctor — whether it’s skipping an annual checkup or refusing to get treatment when they’re hurt or sick — you might be worried about how this will affect their overall health and safety.
This Men’s Health Month, encourage the men in your life to make that doctor’s appointment! Here are some techniques you can try:
Approach the Topic with Concern, But Don’t Expect Too Much
Seniors can be extremely stubborn, especially elderly parents who are used to being the authority figure at home. You don’t have to undermine your loved ones when you’re trying to convince them to make a doctor’s appointment. Instead, let them know about your concerns by respectfully and lovingly addressing them in conversation.
Remember to set realistic expectations; there’s no guarantee that your loved one will fold after the first try.
Suggest Other Reasons for a Doctor’s Visit
Sometimes the most obvious reasons won’t be enough to convince your loved one. Discuss with them other possible reasons to pay the doctor a visit and the benefits your loved one can gain.
Offer to Make an Appointment for Them
Some seniors have a difficult time arranging doctor’s appointments, often because of physical or cognitive disabilities that prevent them from doing it.
Luckily for you, we at Lowenhill Home Care Services are more than ready to help.
We can make sure your loved ones make it to their appointments, whether medical or otherwise.
To learn more about our services, please contact us, today!
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