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Strategies to Help Seniors Maintain Their Vision

Eye care is an aspect of one’s health that all people should consider as they age. Whether due to genetic factors or the effects of our daily activities and surroundings, our vision tends to worsen as we age. Since keeping our vision sharp is vital to maintaining a vibrant, active lifestyle, it is important to look after our vision as we get older.

Here, we will share effective strategies to help seniors maintain their vision:

Protect the eyes from the sun.

Although we all need vitamin D from the sun, exposure to direct sunlight can damage the eyes and affect one’s vision. Before stepping out, make sure to bring a pair of sunglasses for your senior loved one. This reduces the amount of direct sunlight that the eyes are exposed to while providing eye comfort.

Commit to a balanced diet.

Certain foods can help improve one’s vision. Foods that are rich in vitamin C lower the risk of developing cataracts. When taken in combination with other essential nutrients, it can also slow down the progression of visual acuity loss and age-related macular degeneration. Examples include kiwis, bell peppers, and oranges.

Arrange regular eye exams.

It is common for seniors to require prescription glasses as they age. Arranging regular eye examinations will help ensure your loved one’s prescription is up-to-date. This also provides a better chance of detecting potential vision problems early.

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