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Therapeutic Activities Seniors Should Try

When you’re older, it’s easier to fall into habits such as sitting in front of the television for hours on end. This is the default activity for many seniors, but it doesn’t have to continue that way.

There are tons of senior-friendly activities that older adults can do to maintain overall strength and flexibility.

Today, we at Lowenhill Home Care Services are sharing this list of therapeutic activities seniors should try. These activities are cost-effective and safe for everyone. However, we do recommend you ask your doctor for permission before starting any of them.

  1. Animal Therapy
    Many seniors may have trouble connecting with others. Animal therapy is a great way to help make bonding time with others easier for older adults.

    Animal therapy also offers other benefits, such as:

    • Fighting depression
    • Decreasing feelings of loneliness
    • Improving motor skills
    • Lowering blood pressure
  2. Physical Activity
    Many seniors avoid exercise for fear of getting into accidents. However, exercise is the best way to strengthen bones and muscles, which can lead to lesser falls and trips

    Some senior-friendly options include:

    • Swimming
    • Yoga
    • Golfing or fishing
    • Strength training
    • Taking community classes such as dancing or aerobics
  3. Music Therapy
    Several studies show that music can have a variety of positive effects on the senior mind. For patients with dementia, listening to familiar songs may help bring back feelings or memories. It can also relax anxious nerves and help boost a senior’s mood.

    Give your loved ones the support and care they need. Call us today to learn more about our programs and services!

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