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Taking Care of a Senior Loved One during the COVID-19 Crisis

washing hands

The risk of older adults contracting the coronavirus disease is higher, especially for those with preexisting medical conditions e.g., heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, and cancer.

During these difficult times, you might find yourself worrying about taking care of your older loved ones. Thus, Lowenhill Home Care Services would like to impart with you some things you need to know to keep your senior loved ones safe.

Stay Safe and Stay Well

As a caregiver, you should take all necessary precautions to avoid getting infected by the virus yourself. Follow these basic guidelines:

  1. Frequently wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before and after providing care for your loved one
  2. Avoid crowded areas/ streets
  3. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into the bend of your elbow – keep your hands away from your face
  4. Clean frequently touched surfaces around your home e.g., doorknobs, walkers, canes, and handrails

Physical Distancing, Not Social Isolation

Limit your in-person visits with your elderly loved one, but also keep in mind that social isolation can have a negative impact on a senior’s immunity and mental health. Help them stay connected by doing the following:

  1. Teach them how to video chat using their smartphones, computers, or tablets
  2. Encourage friends and other family members to stay in touch (telephone, e-mail) to help lift your senior’s spirits
  3. For seniors with hearing difficulties, install apps that can provide them useful captions
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P.O. Box 456 Aliquippa, PA 15001-3711
Phone: 724-788-1072 Ext. 1 Fax:      724-788-1171 Email: barb@lowenhill.com

Web: www.lowenhill.com


1200 East Market Street Akron OH, 44305
Phone: 330-946-8191 Fax: 330-946-8193
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